Friday, September 4, 2020

Fantasy Friday: Quest - Chapter Twelve

Happy Friday! I've kept you waiting long enough, so I'll skip the intro. Here's the next chapter of Quest of No Return....


Chapter 12

The second round of horns sounded. Taura still saw no sign of her sister. "I expected her to be back before now. I hope she didn't go out too far."

"Na ahana, Taura. She'll be here." Ziliena reassured her. "She's fine."

"I'd like to think I would know if she weren't."

Monday, August 17, 2020

Midnight Ramble: In the Heat of....

... the hot, sweaty, panting dog days and tortured, sleepless nights of Summer. Now throw some pandemic in there and slap on a mask. It makes for a lousy few months, doesn't it?

I'm sorry, where did my manners go? Good evening, Dear Reader! I hope you'll forgive my moodiness. I only love summer when I'm near water, and this year has been the driest of my entire life. It's been hot too, with no end to the triple digit days in the ten day forecast. I hope things are a little more tolerable where you are.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Society Talk: After Escape Day....

Good evening, Dear Reader! The following is an excerpt from the next Fore Shadows: Arrival

Countdown to Escape Day: -149 years!

Hello, Dear Reader! I hope this post finds you well, or as well as can be expected in these ever-changing, strangest of times. For me, the last week and a half of watching the Cubs play ball (and fly the W!) has brought back a small, incredibly tenuous, sense of comfort. 

You might have noticed, I took a week off from posting chapters from Quest. It's been a little hectic around here plus I had to get the kids ready for Online School this week. Chapter 12 will be up Friday....

But, today, I'm wishing you a Happy Escape Day!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Fantasy Friday: Quest - Chapter Eleven

Happy Friday, Dear Reader! I do hope this week finds you well. I'm back with another chapter of Quest of No Return help distract you (I hope)  from this crazy time in our world. 

Just a forewarning, this draft is rough. I will update it at a later time, but to keep the story moving, I need to move on to the next chapter for now. Does that make sense? I think it does, but, then again, it's 3 am  as I put this post together. Yeah..

So without anymore nonsensical babble, I give you Chapter 11.... 


A horn blared, and the first group of hunters were released into the forest. The second group took their places on the lawn to wait for the second horn. Aria waited at the table with the others.

Did you manage to learn anything else today? Aria asked Taura and Ziliena.

Yes, Taura replied. They believed her family was killed by our father's brother.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Fantasy Friday - Quest: Chapter Ten

Happy Friday, friends and fellow fantasy lovers! Hoping you're still coping with these strange times....

I almost didn't make it here with Chapter Ten this week. Sleep is essential for my brain to piece words together coherently, and I've been having a terrible time falling and staying asleep the last few weeks. So, I hope you can ignore the typos, I will fix them later!

If you're new to Isiterra, you can catch up with all of the chapters here.

Aria lay awake with Hunter stretched out along her side. Her mind was too busy making plans for the hunt to let sleep creep in.

Though she wasn't keeping track of the time, she did notice the light outside changing colors as twilight drew near. Hunter, you awake? She gave him a gentle nudge.

His tail thumped twice on the bed. Is it time to eat?

Yeah. If we hurry, we can save the girls the trip up here.

I'm waiting on you. He jumped from the bed and sat facing the door while Aria dressed.

She pulled on her boots, but didn't lace them up. Do you think I'll need my coat?

I'm planning to wear mine.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Fantasy Friday: Quest - Chapter Nine

Happy Friday! I hope you've been well since your last visit. This week, I present Chapter Nine of Quest of No Return.... (If you need to catch up on the previous chapters, you can find them here.)


Already familiar with the lands to the west of Iselos, Aria decided to wander south. The terrain was steeper,
rockier, and gave way to sudden drop offs at the edge of narrow ravine. A faded, but familiar scent of Malorian blood was ever present. So this is where they thrive.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Fantasy Friday - Quest: Chapter Eight

As promised, the second chapter for the day.....

If you've missed the first seven, you can find them here.

Chapter Eight

by DreamyArt on Pixabay
Serranna sat on the rope swing over the pond, with that smile, dappled sunlight dancing across her face through the leaves, the playful breeze toying with her hair. She was a vision of beauty and light, just as the day she set sail with Corvin.

When at last she spoke, Aria felt as though she could reach out and touch her. “My daughter, yours is a great and important destiny. Much more than you can possibly imagine.” Her voice was clear, soft and soothing, though Aria found her words confusing. “Your ancestry has provided you with certain gifts.”

Fantasy Friday - Quest: Chapter Seven

It's Friday again, which means more chapters of Quest of No Return! Yes, this week I have two more for you...
If you need to catch up, you can find the previous chapters here.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Fantasy Friday - Quest: Chapter Six

To view previous chapters, click here.

Chapter Six

Upon entering the open air tavern, which was just inside the entrance to the marketplace, Aria got a sense things weren’t as much the same in Iselos as they seemed.

Several small groups of men were gathered at the tables, with steins of foark in hand, as to be expected. But, instead of sloshing their drinks around and slapping their knees while throwing their heads back in laughter, they sat with their heads drawn together, speaking in muted tones.

I can’t hear them.

I thought you didn’t want to,
 Taura smiled.

I don’t. I’m just surprised I can’t.

Taura laughed, giving herself away.

Fantasy Friday: Quest: Chapter Five

To view previous chapters, click here.

Chapter Five

Taura rose before dawn the next morning, and set out for the stable. Ziliena's plan better work, she thought to herself as she saddled Illiz. "All set, girl?" Illiz nodded in response. Taura mounted the horse and took the reins. "Let's go home and get Aria. You know the way!"


Aria was surprised when Aerodar announced Taura was spotted on her way home. "That was fast," she muttered.

She would have sent word if anything was wrong, he rationalized.

"Yes, she probably would. Unless she couldn't."

Fantasy Friday - Quest: Chapter Four

To view previous chapters click here.


Ilitz carefully made her way through the dense forest protecting the Cernaah. When they came to the road to Isleos, the horse quickened her pace to canter. They reached a stream an hour or so later, and Taura gave a tug on the reins. "Whoa, girl." Taura dismounted and Ilitz turned her head to look at her for instruction.

"Oh, yes, we'll rest for a few minutes, Ilitz. Thank you," Taura patted the horse's neck. "Go on, drink, please." She stepped back and let the horse drink. "I'm sorry, I'm no good at this. I'm spoiled, being able to talk to Liia; I guess I forgot you can't hear me."

Ilitz threw her head back with a laughing snort, and turned to nuzzle Taura's arm with her head. You don't have to apologize.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Well, here goes....

I've been away, not only from the blog, but Facebook and Twitter too, for what seems like forever. Okay, I've peeked at Twitter here and there. Every site has changed its design. Everything feels like I'm having to learn it all again, and with my inability to really focus on anything for the last couple of years... Yeah. It's been a slow start getting back into it all. 

Not only has everything on the internet changed, but so has the whole world outside. There is so much pain and anger, strength and resilience flying around so fast..... I'm at a loss for words. 

But, I am back at my writing thing. I know it's not going to cure COVID, fix police brutality or remove anyone from office. However, I do hope it might entertain, or at least temporarily distract, someone from their troubles for a little while. So, starting tomorrow, I'll be back to posting weekly chapters from Quest of No Return. And, because I've been away so long, there will be three chapters tomorrow. 

I'm also working on the Society - there are some new Fore Shadows up in my WDC port, if you'd like to check them out. (They're not done, but they are there!) 

Thank you for stopping by, and reading! Please know that I hope you are safe and well, wherever you may be. My usual sign off doesn't seem to feel quite right, given the state of the world - and yet, I still wish for your day, night or sometime in the between to be as beautiful as it can be, in the here and now.
