Wednesday, January 6, 2021

2021: Day Six

*Update: 1/2/22 -This post was originally written and scheduled late night on Jan. 4th 2021 to publish on this blog on Jan. 6th 2021, without any prior knowledge of what was to occur. 

Then came Jan. 6th, 2021, and, from the other side of the country, I watched in horror, with the majority of my fellow Americans, as a group of insurrectionists and supporters of our then- outgoing President stormed our Capitol building, in an effort to overturn the valid results of our 2020 Presidential election. 

The events of that day have left me, like so many others, shaken, angry, confused, disgusted, and most of all sad - for this is the version of the United States of America my children must live in. Where the people who are supposed to lead instead blatantly lie, and their supporters take their word as gospel, with blind devotion to party over country. This is not how I was raised.

Over the last couple of years, I've mostly abandoned social media. Not necessarily forever, but, for the time being, for my own sanity. I'd planned on trying to jump back in last year, and then this tragic day came, and I had no interest in the ugliness I knew awaited in me the metaverse. 

Fast forward to today - I'm looking forward to finishing some projects and getting them out into the world this year. I've thought about deleting the original post, wondering if, though totally unrelated, it was in poor taste. I decided not to, because to do so would be giving those who committed treason that day some kind of power they do not deserve. 

Make no mistake, I 'll never forget what transpired on 1/6/21, just as I'll never forget 9/11/01. I'm just choosing to move forward, while keeping a watchful eye on the road ahead. 

Original post:
Belated Happy New Year tidings to you, Dear Reader! I hope this post finds you safe and healthy in 2021. 

I started my new year with mimosas, which led to my brilliant idea to *plan* out my writing calender for the whole year. Hey, if it works for Robert Herjavec, it's worth a try....

The idea bubbled up that morning because I saw an article somewhere on the web in the previous day, or so, about how the aforementioned "Shark" spends his last few days of each year planning out the next. Two mimosas into the year, and it hit me in the face: I need to plan my writing year - and hold myself accountable. 

By the end of January 1st, I had five objectives plotted, with weekly/monthly goals set to achieve the endgame. 

Has Roari lost her mind, you ask? (I'd need to know where it was first!)

I don't generally plan much beyond the end of the week, let alone a whole month or year. So, this approach is going to be totally different for me. And, so far, I'm already behind. But, this post checks off one box, which is progress...

Fantasy Friday posts with new chapters from Quest of No Return will resume soon. (Finishing it is one of my five objectives!) There will be Society news in the coming weeks as well. 

Until then, I hope you are staying safe and healthy in these strange times, and wish you a beautiful day, night or some time in the between.

∞ Roari

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