You might have noticed, I took a week off from posting chapters from Quest. It's been a little hectic around here plus I had to get the kids ready for Online School this week. Chapter 12 will be up Friday....
But, today, I'm wishing you a Happy Escape Day!
Happy - the what, you say? Escape Day, silly. It's one of the most important days in the history of the Society in the Shadow of Civilization. (see tab above)
August 5, 2169 is the day the Society's seven founding members, plus Artemis and the Flamella tree escape the from the U.C.E. on the moon by fleeing to the past. We're just 149 years away!
I realized early on in writing The Shadow Watcher, well early on after I found out where he really came from (and that's a story for another time), I would have to dive deeper into the backstory than I'd initially planned. The thing is, despite how much history took place, how many ways the world changed, for the Society, most of the time things were pretty dull. Lots of sitting around and waiting. I mean, they did research, and kept working on their ultimate goals, going forward again being among them. There just wasn't a whole lot of action. Most of the time.

I know, I've promised more for a long time. They exist - they're just not
The catalyst for this crazy plan, to run away from the Future in the past, is a pandemic - or, moondemic, if you will. A novel influenza virus, which acts as a "normal" flu among Earth's population. The moon's population is largely made up of people who have lived there for decades or their entire lives, and their immune systems have had little to no exposure to other related precursor viruses Earthlings experienced prior to the Antarctic Flu's emergence. The Earthlings had developed immunities to fight off the virus as soon as it hit them. The Moonlings did not. Dr. Samuel Marks, however found a way to save them all. And, he knew the U.C.E. would be coming for him and the cure. And he couldn't let them have it.
I'll be back later today with some pieces from other Fore Shadows stories to share. Until then, I wish you as beautiful a day, night, or some time in the between as is possible right now. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read.....
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