We call ourselves Nanos. We wear our badges with pride and have developed a mutual respect for the sacrifices we all make to achieve the lofty goal of 50k words in 30 days. First time writers, aspiring novelists and published veterans now all take part in this event designed to embrace the insanity that compels us to write.
I've been questioning whether or not to participate myself this year. Too much is going on in my "real" life, and, knowing what it took to "win" the last two years, I don't know if I can make it happen this year. But, the more I think about it, I realize that's the whole point. If I can't find time to write amidst the craziness, I never will, because the craziness never ends.
So, here's to another month of 3-4 hours of sleep per day, wrist aches, back aches, other random aches, and caffeine crashes. I don't know what I'm going to write yet, so as always, it will be a month of adventure for me.
If you're embarking on this voyage along the sea of dreams, beware the plot bunnies - they're ferocious, and multiply. Stay the course, and you'll find yourself sailing into the winners circle come November 30th. I hope to see you there! (Sign up at nanowrimo.org, and look for Roari B.)
What's your NaNo story? Do you have memorable moments or tips for success? (I may need them to make it this year!) If so, please share in the comments below....
As always, I hope you're having a beautiful day, night or sometime in the between....
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