Last Thursday was a special day in my house - our one year Wookieeversary! I can't believe a year has gone by since we brought home our sweet, fuzzy Wookiee pup. And, my goodness, how he changed everything....

Two years ago, when our beastie boy, Thor, passed, LOML and I knew we'd get another dog. Eventually. For Athena as much as for us. But, because Thor was so special to us, it was hard for me to picture bringing home another German Shepherd. I've never considered myself a specific-type-of-breed person, though I do prefer big dogs to little ones. So, we talked about Huskies or Malmutes. Labradors (like my Smokey) or Golden Retrievers (like LOML's childhood dogs). We kept coming back to Shepherds. When I saw Wookiee, the debate was over. He was our dog.
Dogs, in general, make me happy. They infect me with their dogginess. But, Wookiee just exudes this aura of pure joy - ALL THE TIME. It's kind of amazing. He's a sweet, loving, great big ball of energy, and he's wonderful with the kids and other pets. In fact, he's the first one I can truly say is the "family" pet. The others, while they all tolerate their four human cohabitants, each have people they prefer. Wookiee, on the other paw, just loves everyone, and makes sure to get snuggles and playtime with each of us at least once a day.

He's still working on cuddling with Artemis, Simba, and/or Mufasa - as you can see, Artemis does not approve. He and Simba have this ritual of dancing around, sniffing each other, even touching noses(!!!), until Simba decides to stalk off, confident in his continued rule of this castle. Wookiee pouts for a minute, then seeks one of us humans for attention. He would make friends with the pigeons and sparrows that come looking for his food, if they'd hang around. He settles for sitting as still as a statue, watching from a foot or two away.

I'd forgotten how much work a puppy is, especially if the puppy is as big as me (almost) at six months old. And, if said puppy has as much energy as this Wook. But, this is one of those instances when the reward is well worth the work. Just look at that face!
The pictures below are from last week - play time with Athena. A year ago, he was running around under her!
And, some porg flew in to celebrate our Wookieeversary with us....
Okay, I really just wanted to play with the Star Wars sticker thing on my phone. Clearly, I need more practice 😉
Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you're having a beautiful night, day, or some time in the between....
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