Technically, according to Amazon, I'm a day (almost two) late. I seem to remember setting the date to publish as the 7th. But, what difference does it make, really? None! All that matters is it's there.

I can't believe it's been two years! It really doesn't seem like it's been that long. Then again, in some ways it seems much longer.... It's been almost seven years now (I think?) since I wrote the scene - intended to be a short story - that started all of this. Is it just me. or does it seem like the more time passes, the more mischievous it is?

I look forward to sharing the next installment of Sam's story with you - the best secrets (in my humble opinion) are yet to come! But, Of Sovereigns and Shadows won't be out for about a year. (Yes there is a very, very rough, and short, draft!) Perhaps that's how we'll celebrate The Shadow Watcher's third birthday? What do you think?
Wherever you are, I hope you're having a beautiful day, night, or sometime in the between....
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