April was a busy month for me again, mostly in all areas of life other than writing. Though, I'm making some progress there, too....
Lots of celebrating and lots of manual labor, mixed in with a bunch of admin work. The celebrations consisted of Easter, my birthday, and LOML's company recognition weekend in San Diego!

Somewhere in between, I registered my elder child for Jr. High. We had to apply to get into a crazy lottery to get into the school we wanted. Of 121 numbers being drawn, his was the 116th pulled. I wish I'd taken a picture of his face, he was so relieved!
I also decided it was time to make use of the old deck wood and build some planter boxes. Okay, LOML did help saw and move them, but I did the rest. (Really!) There's still some work to be done. (I'll share pics of the finished boxes another time.) Now I need to find more dirt...

Let's see, what else... Oh, cleaning out some (1/3?) of the garage and tons of other yard work.
And, lots of keeping this Wookiee out of trouble.

It's hard to tell from this picture, it may be a week old already, but he's almost as big as Athena now, at five months old! And, almost as fast. I'm gonna have to get creative with my fetch game....
Oh! Speaking of dogs.... I also started posting chapters from my fantasy novel - Quest of No Return - over at Writing.com. It relates to dogs because my love of animals is a huge part of this story, with a yellow dog as a major character, and a host of other creatures making up much of the supporting cast. It is s a little Narnianesqe, in that they do chores and other human tasks and can communicate with the MC. And, I can't deny that my love of Narnia was part of my original inspiration for the story. But, it's different. And undergoing revisions, one chapter at a time. I may give Wattpad another shot with this one, but I haven't decided yet. For now, you can check it out here. Chapter Three will be up Friday!
So, that's where my April went. On to May.... Thank you for stopping by and reading through my ramble! I hope you're having a beautiful day, night or some time in the between....
So, that's where my April went. On to May.... Thank you for stopping by and reading through my ramble! I hope you're having a beautiful day, night or some time in the between....
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